Period: 2021-2026
ERC Consolidator Grant
Grant agreement ID: 101001159
Some output:
- Proof of the P=W conjecture by Hausel, Mellit, Minets, Schiffmann []
- Computation of the zero-dimensional COHA of arbitrary surface with pure cohomology by Mellit, Minets, Schiffmann, Vasserot []
- Proof of the Segre-Verlinde correspondence and computation of Segre-Verlinde integrals by Göttsche, Mellit []
- Proof of the Dunfield-Gukov-Rasmussen conjecture (accepted in Duke Math. J.) by Gorsky, Hogancamp, Mellit []
- Proof of the Morton-Samuelson conjecture by Bittmann, Chandler, Mellit, Novarini []
Past and present members:
- Anton Mellit (PI)
- Kevin Weigl
- Tom Sutherland
- Chiara Novarini
- Mikhail Gorsky
- Denis Nesterov
- Marino Romero